Serving Our Family

Each week, volunteers are why our family functions.

We know you're busy with a million things to do. However, being a volunteer is where you will grow in your relationship with Jesus and other believers.

There is a serving opportunity that will fit you! Take a look at a few of our ministries and connect to get more information. Get involved! Now!

Hocc Kids

Hocc Kids is designed to teach kids about Jesus on their level in a safe and fun environment. Each week, babies through the 5th grade are taught about Jesus and learning to develop relationships with their peers and adults.


If you love middle and high school students, crazy activities, and sharing your faith, then the student ministry is a perfect fit for you! 


Whether it is helping to lead worship on the Praise Team, serving communion, changing slides, or finding that missing cable under the booth, there are opportunities for you to use your gifts helping our family worship each week.

Guest Services

If you enjoy greeting people and making them feel comfortable, then Guest Services is the place for you. 


Encouragers make people feel good about themselves by sending cards, texts, emails with words of love, support, and encouragement. They've even been known to bake cookies and deliver them!


Our Security Team works to make our campus safe. They make sure things are unlocked when we arrive and locked up when we leave.