Published March 5, 2025


Classes at 9:00am
Parents with children 6 weeks to 5th grade can drop their children off in the Education Building for various class offerings dependent on age. Volunteers will be available to help you sign-in, as well as find the right class for your child.
Please make sure to check in your child at the entrance to the Education Building and print off their nametag and the corresponding coded pickup tag. We want to set healthy, safe precedents for checking our children in and out of the education building.
We may know who you are, as well as your child, but we’ll still need to see the tag. 😊
We look forward to seeing you at 9:00am on Sunday morning!


Family Worship

This Sunday is a Family Worship Day.  We love the sound of kids and babies and like when they are able to engage in worship with us. Whenever you feel the need to allow your kids to move around and stretch their legs, feel free to walk them to the back of the Worship Center, grab a busy bag and activity sheets.


Attended Nursery
We will have an attended nursery this coming Sunday. The attended nursery for kids 4 months to 35 months will be in room 401 in the Education Building and available throughout the 10:00am worship service.

If you would like your child to go to attended nursery during the 10 o’clock hour, please go with your child to check them into the nursery. For the safety of your child and to help our volunteers, please present your corresponding numbered tag to pick up your child.


Family S.E.T.

Join us for Family S.E.T. this Sunday, March 9th, from 5-7PM. Bring your own food and prepare for games and worship together!  


Register for ACU Summer Camps

These camps are a great way to meet new friends!  Families should apply for camp scholarships through ACU leadership camps when they become available. After your student attends the camp, Highland Oaks will reimburse half of your cost through our HO camp scholarships. This year we will not provide transportation.

Register ASAP before spots fill up!

Learning to Lead – June 15th – June 20th, 2025
Entering 4th-6th grades
Register Here
Kadesh I – June 8 – June 14, 2025
Entering 10th – College Freshmen
Register Here
MPulse – July 6th – July 11, 2025
Entering 7th-9th grades
Register Here